Great Saturday morning to all,
Most of us have either heard or used the phrase "by the grace of God". In most cases meaning that you have been going through a lot and God's goodness has seen you through that situation.
I can honestly say that the last few weeks have been manageable because of God's grace in my personal life.
We all go through challenges that often cause us to think and ask WHY? At times there are no good answers for that question. And just because we are believers does not exempt us from those challenges.
Some things we can get through by our own strength, because God has given us wisdom and strength to accomplish what may be before us. But then there are "TIMES". Do you know what I mean by "TIMES?" Anything piles up, things don't make sense, people seemingly are against you, even what you touch turns bad or unproductive.
An old song says it this way---"if I have no bad luck, I'd have no luck at all."
It is during those times and they will come that we call upon the "Grace of God".
The Bible says that God is LIGHT, God is LOVE, God is HOLY---but never forget that GOD is FAITHFUL.
It is during those times of difficulties that you will find His traits to be true.
God has no plans on leaving us during those challenges. Maybe He had something to do with those challenges, but why? ---Maybe this is the time to examine your walk with Him, your love for Him, your serve through Him, so we can come to a place in our lives where we can say---God I need you more than ever. But also that as He walks you through the valley you may be going through, HIS GRACE will sustain you.
God tells Paul (and you and me) MY GRACE is SUFFICIENT.
Right now, you may have no "issues" in life, and if that is the case---Praise God. However, when the day comes that you are going through those "TIMES" you can then say as I have learned to say these last few weeks---By His Grace I have the victory over every situation.
Pastor G