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...let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, 

not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people,

but encouraging one another;

and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

~ Hebrews 10: 24-25

Greetings dear sister!

We’ve been considering the word SALT for the last 5 Sundays. Pastor G even got a little SALTy in his attire! He’s encouraged us to get a little SALTy with each other! If you’ve been paying attention, you know that that means Serving each other, being Accountable to each other, Loving one another and Teaching one another.

One aspect of meeting together for worship or fellowship is to have the opportunity to practice these things on each other, our like-minded brothers and sisters. It not only edifies us in our own relationship with God, it gives us more confidence to practice these things when with our not-so-like-minded friends, who need so desperately to hear the Good News! Also, although we hate to admit it, it’s helpful to get a little nudge from our brother or sister in the Lord to get out there to be SALT.

Pastor G talked about salt bringing more flavor out of food. About salt bringing out the best in somebody else. These concepts are scriptural! The KJV says it much more provocatively, “...let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works”! Isn’t that a great word? We may have to provoke each other to do good works. It doesn’t mean that you get angry enough to go out there and tell people their eternal destiny is in the balance, rather you are stimulated, aroused, awakened, called forth to proclaim the Good News through your service, accountability, love or teaching. In fact, your SALT will make the hearers thirsty for more! (salt is provoking that way)

Another important aspect of meeting together is that SALT (you) has to come in contact with its agent (others) in order to be effective. When every little grain of salt comes together in the salt shaker (gathering together), it can have a powerful effect on us as the body of Christ! It provokes us to be SALT to those around us who we meet in our everyday lives!

Finally, (I’m coming in for a landing ) we are warned to not abandon our own meeting together. Watching SALT at work from an impersonal distance such as streaming is nothing compared to having SALT worked in you and by you personally; face to face, heart to heart in the presence of the Lord! We are stronger together, we have more endurance together, we are more SALTy and have a bigger impact on the people around us together! Salt shakers are meant to be filled and used!

I feel the Lord challenging me, and perhaps you feel the same! I am going to reach out to a brother or a sister who has difficulties coming together with us on a Sunday and see if there’s a way I can be SALT in their life! May the Lord be glorified!

God bless you as you strive to be SALT in someone's life today!

With love, your sister, Celeste